This budget report should be titled USA but bur little puddle jumper flight on Tiara Air from Los Piedras, Venezuela to Aruba, a 20 minute flight, was delayed 7 hours. This delay caused us to miss our conncting United flight to Newark. The one United flight the following day was booked solid. Luckily we did manage to get on the flight the day after that. So this entry now reads Aruba/USA. After a lot of haggling, since Tiara Air claimed they were not responsible for missed connections, we managed to get Tiara Air to pay our two nights hotel accommodations in Aruba. They even gave us $80 towards food. Since the accommodations had a kitchen in each unit we were able to stretch the money. In NJ my family hosted us so again our accommodations cost us nothing. Most of the expenses for these 5 days were supplies that we needed after 3 months on the road in South America. We had lost or broken 3 out of our 4 headlamps and my camera had to be replaced since the repair on the original could not be done quickly enough. (My brother will sell my repaired/replaced camera on Ebay so that won't be a total loss). We also picked up a few new clothes for Yoda for Europe.
Total Nights in Aruba/USA: 5 nights
Pre-trip estimated budget: $1,125 ($225/day)
Grand Total for Aruba/USA: $1289
Average $ per day: $257/day
Difference from Estimated budget: +$164
Considering our plans totally changed with the stop over in Aruba, and the fact that this includes a new camera, I am really content with our spendings for these 5 days.
Total Nights in Aruba/USA: 5 nights
Pre-trip estimated budget: $1,125 ($225/day)
- Accommodation: $0
- Food & Drinks: $223
- Transport: $234
- Entertainment: $10
- General Supplies: $703
- clothing: $119
Grand Total for Aruba/USA: $1289
Average $ per day: $257/day
Difference from Estimated budget: +$164
Considering our plans totally changed with the stop over in Aruba, and the fact that this includes a new camera, I am really content with our spendings for these 5 days.